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2010-04-16肌肉网 + 关注

  How do you feel about people giving advice on web sites?


  You mean the actual people who know what they are talking about or just people who like to give advice. Well, you know, some of the people say that on the boards, this is an opinion board, and they are entitled to their opinion. It's just seems that some people like to bring other people down, to bring them down. You can give an opinion and be tactful, or you can be a total ass and just rip someone. Sometimes it is hard to get a compliment. You can be doing really well, and you come in really bad one show, and they trash on him. Sure, sometimes you deserve some of it, but what I hate most is the rumors, like when people come out and say that Sonny Schmidt died because of the steroids. Give me a break. Sonny smoked, it's like lung cancer. Million of people get lung cancer, but if you are in this sport, then everything is drug related. I remember once when I was training at Gold's Venice, and I was feeling under the weather, I had the flu, and someone asked a friend where's Lee. He said, he's not feeling well, he is sick today, and the guy said 'That's because of the drugs'. We bodybuilders are still human, we still get sick.

  李:你是指那些确实有真知灼见的人还是只是喜欢提建议的人。你知道,有些人在论坛上说,这是个提意见的地方,他们有权利提建议。看上去有些人只是喜欢贬低别人,打击别人。你可以给出建议并且表现得体,你也可以损别人。有时候很难得到一句?扬的话。你可能做的非常好,你一次比赛打得非常差,人们就会把你贬得一钱不值。诚然,有时候你也应该接受批评,但我最讨厌谣言。比如当人们出来说Sonny Schmidt死于类固醇。听我说一句,Sonny吸菸,那是肺癌。很多人得肺癌,但是如果你从事这项运动,所有的事情就都会和药物联?在一起。我记得有一次我在威尼斯(洛杉矶的肌肉海滩所在地)的金健身房训练,我感到状态不好,我得了流感。有个人问他的朋友李在哪?,他说,他不太舒服,他今天病了,那个人就说「那是因为药物」。我们健美运动员也是人,我们也会生病的。

  I will say it again. I have had a lot of letter and emails from people. People who I speak to at contests, and amateurs, who come up to me and they give me their drug cycles, and I again am saying it, every time I see their drug cycles, it is more than what I have ever taken, it is more than what Paul Dillett took. I lived with Paul for a while, and I heard the rumors of what Paul was taking, and when I saw what he used, it wasn't even half of what people think. I think there is a rumor out there that because this guys supposedly takes these drugs, he looks like that, and if I can take that much drugs, I can look like him. The sad thing is that half of these amateurs are taking way more than the pros will ever take. So if you don't have it genetically, mentally, physically, sure the drugs will be a part of it, but if you don't have the whole aspect of it, your lifestyle, training, eating, resting, everything else - then take all the drugs you want because I am sure that there are people out there on the bulletin boards who like to badmouth people and use drugs, and look like crap. Everything is centered around drugs, drugs, drugs. Every other sport uses them but we get labled the most and if anything happens to someone in the sport, it is the drugs. Give me a break. Even when they talk about Flex Wheeler, some say that maybe the drugs helped bring that on to him. You know, maybe the drugs helped him by slowing it down.

  我要再说一遍,我收到很多信件和电子邮件。来自那些和我在比赛上说过话的人,还有爱好者,他们找到我然后给我看他们的药物cycle,我再说一遍,每次我看见他们的药物cycle,我从来没用过那么大的剂量,那比Paul Dillett用的还多。我和Paul生活过一段时间,我听过他使用药物的谣言,当我看到他所用得药物时,甚至不及人们说的一半多。我想这些谣言之所以存在是因为人们想当然地认为这些?伙应该用这么多药,他看上去像用了很多药,如果我可以使用这么多的药,我也能像他一样。悲哀的是一半爱好者用得剂量比职业选手用过的最大剂量还大。如果你没有基因条件,精神条件,身体条件,当然可以借助药物的作用,但是如果你没有完整的投入,你的生活方式,训练,饮食,休息,等等,那么想用什么药用什么药去吧——我相信论坛上很多人喜欢骂完了别人然后自己用药——然后看起来像垃圾。所有的讨论都以药物为中心,除了药物还是药物。所有的体育项目都用药物,但是我们被扣上用药用得最多的帽子,而且如果碰巧这个圈子?的某个人出了什么事,那就是因为药物。听我说一句。即使在谈论 Flex Wheeler的时候, 有些人说可能是药物使他落得这个下场。你应该明白,也许药物减缓了他的病情。

  I had a friend in Australia, he was a nice guy, he ended up dying from AIDS. He would use a little bit of Deca and Growth Hormones to stay in shape and whatever. When he went to the doctor and found out he had AIDS, the doctor told him that because he had used those drugs, and he didn't know he had the disease, it added like seven years to his life. Many steroids are prescribed. And when they are given the right amounts, they are fine. You can abuse anything, and get side effects. You can abuse aspirin, you can abuse any prescription drug, and have all the problems in the world. If you use it correctly, you won't have the problems. It's just the abuse. People think 200 works good, 400 works twice as good, hey I'll get 600, it will work 3 times as good. They keep doing it and doing it until their body can't take it anymore. There's usually more to it than just drugs.

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